The Pipe/Trench Calculator is a utility designed to calculate the amount of fill or bedding required to fill a trench
The Pipe/Trench Calculator is a utility designed to calculate the amount of fill or bedding
required to fill a trench. The amount can either be calculated as cubic yards or tons and is
based on the dimensions of the trench.
To use the Pipe/Trench Calculator, you must be within either a cost quantity field or the
takeoff quantity field in the Item Sheets.
To access the pipe calculator, right click with your mouse and select Pipe Trench Calculator (or hold down the ALT key and press F8 on the keyboard).
It is required that the user enters a drawing number for this trench calculation. The
drawing number will be what the program uses to save the calculation under for future
use. Enter the dimensions of your pipe and trench.
*If you enter values for both T6 Height of Object and T7 Width of Object, the object will be considered a square or rectangle such as a box culvert or ductbank. If a value is entered for T6 height of Object, the object will be considered round such as a pipe.
Clicking on the layers tab will allow the user to enter the height of each layer of fill. Up to
four layers can be entered. The layers can be entered in either metric (meters) or English
(feet) by selecting which is to be used.
Descriptions of each layer can be entered in the four boxes underneath Total Excavation. The column to the right of the descriptions is the calculated neat volume of each layer in cubic yards or cubic meters. Waste percentages can be entered in the next column which will result in the actual volume being displayed in the Actual column. If the volumes need to be converted to weight, conversion factors can be entered in the Tonnage column with the result being displayed in the Weight column.
Once all the information is entered, highlight the value that you want copied to the quantity
field that the Pipe/Trench Calculator was called from and then right click and select Paste to Location (or F10) press F10.
The Pipe Trench Calculator is not dependent on any Item and can be displayed in any Item
after being created.
The data from the Pipe Trench Calculator can be printed by displaying the Calculator
window and click anywhere in it with the right mouse button.