Adding Rates/Resources to Multiple Items

Step by Step instructions with screenshots on how to easily add a Rate(s)/Resource(s)/Cost(s) to multiple Items on your project quickly and easily.

In Estimating Link while on the Item Sheet module of the program (on any Item), go to Services > Costs > Add Library Cost to Multiple Items:

The Add Rate to Multiple Items window will appear as shown below:

The top left of the window pane displays all the Items currently in your project.  The right top of the window pane displays the Items to add Rates to.

The bottom of the window pane is where you can select Rate(s) to add to multiple Items.

Select which Item(s) you'd like to add Rates to.  You can select multiple Items by using the shift key and/or the control key.  After you've selected the Items you'd like to add the Rate to, click the arrow pointed right to populate the Items to add Rates to as shown below:

You can clear the Items to add Rates to by selecting them and using the arrows pointed to the left.  The double left arrow will clear all the Items.

Now you can add your Rate(s) to the Items you selected using the bottom window pane.  You can navigate through the Primary Resource Catagories by using the tabs at the bottom. 

Enter the Quantity(s) of the Rate(s) you would like to add to your Item(s):

When you are satisfied, click Apply.  A window will appear showing you the costs that have been and to what Items:

Click Ok and you're all set!