Administrator User Audit Log

The Audit Log feature in Estimating Link is a powerful tool designed exclusively for administrators to view, export and manage user data.


The Audit Log feature in Estimating Link is a powerful tool designed exclusively for administrators. This feature requires a special password for access, ensuring that only authorized personnel can view and manage the audit logs.

Access & Security

As an administrator, you are entrusted with the responsibility of maintaining the integrity and security of the estimating process. The Audit Log feature provides a detailed record of significant actions taken within the software, making it an invaluable resource for monitoring and managing user activities.

Benefits of the Audit Log

  • Enhanced Oversight: The audit log provides a comprehensive view of user activities, including login times, project associations, and actions performed. This level of oversight helps administrators ensure that users are following established protocols and using the software appropriately.

  • Accountability: By tracking user actions, the audit log fosters accountability. Administrators can quickly identify who performed specific actions and when, which is crucial for resolving discrepancies and ensuring accurate project tracking.

  • Security Management: The audit log helps in identifying unauthorized access attempts or unusual activity patterns. This proactive approach to security management allows administrators to take timely action to protect sensitive data and maintain system integrity.

  • Historical Data: The audit log serves as a historical record of software usage, which can be useful for training purposes, auditing, and troubleshooting. Understanding how and when certain actions were taken can provide insights into improving processes and avoiding potential issues in the future.

  • Resource Allocation: By analyzing the data in the audit logs, administrators can better understand how the software is being used across different projects and departments. This information can guide decisions on resource allocation, user training needs, and software enhancements.

In summary, the Audit Log feature in Estimating Link is a crucial component for administrators, providing detailed insights into user activities and system usage. Its secure access ensures that only authorized personnel can manage this data, which is essential for maintaining the software's integrity and security. Leveraging the audit log data can lead to improved oversight, accountability, and overall efficiency in your estimating processes.

Access Audit Log

  1. As an administrator, to access the Audit Log in Estimating Link, go to Setup > Options > Admin.
  2. A Confirm Admin Access message will be displayed.  Enter the password and click OK:
  3. You should now see the Admin display within the CLI Preferences window.  Click on View Audit Log
  4. A new window will now be displayed with the Audit Log:
  5. From the Audit Log window, you can scroll up, down, left or right to see the data. 
  6. You can also export the data to an excel file by clicking on Export to Excel and sort each column to suit your needs.


  • User Login: This column shows the login ID of the user who performed the action. It includes both the machine name and the user name.
  • User Host: This is the name of the computer or device from which the user accessed the system.
  • ProjectID: This column will display the ID of the project the action is associated with.
  • Project:  This column will display the name of the project the action is associated with.
  • Event Time: This indicates the date and time when the event or action took place.
  • Event: This describes the type of event or action that occurred, such as "Program Started" or "Program Closed".
  • TTL Cost (Total Cost): This column might display the total cost associated with the project at the time of the event. It’s empty in the sample data.
  • TTL Bid (Total Bid): This would show the total bid amount for the project at the time of the event. It’s also empty in the sample data.
  • Prog Ver: This indicates the version of the program being used when the event occurred.
  • Source Item: This will show the source of the item or action if applicable.
  • User IPV4: This is the IP address of the user's device, showing where the action was performed from.
  • User Name: This is the name of the user who performed the action.