Summary of Bid Sheet Calculations
The Bid Sheet is a summary of all the Primary Items pertaining to a project. It is similar to a large spreadsheet that includes all the unit costs generated by the Item Sheets extended by the Bid Quantity.
Bid Qty/Takeoff Qty (Bid Quantity/Takeoff Quantity) - Defined as Pay Quantities and can be changed in the Item worksheet or by using the View>Single Line View.
- Bid Qty - The Item quantities provided by the engineer, state or owner.
- Takeoff Qty - The quantities you arrived at with your own measurements. This is your pay quantity. This number is shown here only for reference.
- Takeoff Qty designated in green - overrun
- Takeoff Qty designated in red - underrun
Calc. Unit Cost/Unit Cost (Calculated Unit Cost/Unit Cost)
- Calc. Unit Cost - Unit cost plus markup amount as calculated from Markup Summary.
- Unit Cost - equals the unit cost as defined on the Item Sheet.
Bid Unit - This is the Bid Unit that is used to calculated the Bid. It is the computer generated number and is automatically calculated. This number can be modified.
- * to the right of Bid Unit - The asterisk next to this field represents that the field has not yet been manually changed from the calculated bid unit determined from the margin placed on the item unit cost. This is important to note because the asterisk shows that the Bid Unit is not in dollars and cents and needs to be adjusted.
- This can be adjusted by:
- Manually entering the Bid Unit
- Using Auto Bid Unit (Services>Auto Bid Unit)
- Using Move Money
This column also displays other Bid Unit status's which provides you useful information about the bid unit itself. There are 6 possible values for this column:
- Blank (nothing displayed) - The Bid Unit is not in dollars and cents.
- * - The asterisk indicates that the bid unit has not been rounded to dollars and cents. You will need to manually type a number into the cell or use the Auto Bid Unit function.
F - The item has been manually marked as a Fixed Price Item. Fixed Price Items have no costs associated to them. The Bid Unit value is manually entered.
- The Bid Unit was calculated using the Move Money function.
- ? - The item has been manually marked as an open Item. This can be toggled by clicking the right mouse button on an item and choosing Open Item at the top of the menu.
- This can be adjusted by:
- Move Money Icon to the right of Bid Unit - the Move Money next to the Bid Unit represents that the user has moved money around on this item.
- F to the right of Bid Unit - The F next to the Bid Unit represents that the Item is a Fixed Price Item.
- ? to the right of the Bid Unit - The question mark next to the Bid Unit represents that the user has marked this Item as open.
Total Bid/Total Cost
- Total Bid - Bid Qty multiplied by Bid Unit.
- Total Cost - Bid Qty multiplied by Unit cost. This figure may be different than the Item Sheet cost if the Takeoff Qty is different than the Bid Quantity.
Markup % (Markup Percent) - Initially, automatically calculated from Markup Summary. This field can be overwritten with a manual entry. Manually entering in this field will remove the asterisk and finalize the Bid Unit.
Item Spread (shown with sum of all active Items Spread) - Total Bid minus Total Bid Cost. In other words, how much money you are making on that Item.
Print Subtotal - The Print Subtotal Checkbox is used to sub total the Bid Items to that point on the Proposal and Bid Sheet reports.
The next 12 columns detail subtotals for the 6 primary resources categories:
- Labor Unit - Labor Unit Cost calculated from the Item Sheet.
- Labor Amt (Labor Amount) shown with the sum of Labor Amt of all active Items - Labor Unit multiplied by Bid Qty.
- Equipment Unit - Equipment Unit Cost calculated from the Item Sheet.
- Equipment Amt (Equipment Amount) shown with the sum of Equipment Amt of all active Items - Equipment Unit multiplied by Bid Qty.
- Rental Unit - Rental Unit Cost calculated from the Item Sheet.
- Rental Amt (Rental Amount) shown with the sum of Rental Amt of all active Items - Rental Unit multiplied by Bid Qty.
- Material Unit - Material Unit Cost calculated from the Item Sheet.
- Material Amt (Material Amount) shown with the sum of Material Amt of all active Items - Material Unit multiplied by Bid Qty.
- Subcontractor Unit - Subcontractor Unit Cost calculated from the Item Sheet.
- Subcontractor Amt (Subcontractor Amount) shown with the sum of Subcontractor Amt of all active Items - Subcontractor Unit multiplied by Bid Qty.
- Other Unit - Other Unit Cost calculated from the Item Sheet.
- Other Amt (Other Amount) shown with the sum of Other Amt of all active Items - Other Unit multiplied by Bid Qty.
Actual Bid - This value is a total of the total bid costs from all of the items.
Balance Bid - This is the bid price that is the goal and is derived from the Bid Markup Summary.
Unbalanced - This is the Balanced Bid minus the Actual bid.
- If this number is in red, then your actual bid is lower than your balance bid.
- If this number is in green, your actual bid is higher than your balance bid.
Base Bid - Calculates the total base bid based on the Alternates you have active or inactive. In other words, this is the Base Bid plus active Alternates.