Billing Link Updates & Releases

Billing Link's list of Updates & releases with detail.

Date: 3/26/2024

  • Updated field lengths in Item Library for Item Name, Item Description, Item U/M, Cost Code and Cost Code Description (241)
  • Added code to account for and manage special characters created from the Estimating Link project upload (243)

Date: 3/20/2024

  • Resolved error: "Request failed with status code 500" caused by a project's name that included the ampersand sign (242)


Date: 10/14/2023


Date: 6/23/2023


Date: 1/19/2023

  • Improved page identification (169)
  •  Improved validation of CLI# on log on screen (179)
  • Added freeze feature for grid column headers (183)
  • Added report Subcontractor Library (185)
  • Improved Daily Detail layout (186)
  • Fixed autofill on Login page (190)
  • Added import of Billing Link v1 projects (191)
  • Fixed Daily Detail arrows for first and last entries (193)
  • Corrected capitalization on Project grid column headers (195)
  • Corrected Footer text consistency (196)
  • Fixed Daily Detail alignment (198)
  • Added the ability to pull Quantities from Field Link (205)
  • Corrected spelling error - "approved" is misspelled under "current Sub-estimate" (206)


Date: 7/14/2022

  • Added Page Titles
  • Fixed Menu text inconsistencies
  • Estimate Invoice Detail
        - Widened dialog
        - Added Date Selectors to Invoice Date and Payment Date
  • Total Due as of Estimate
        - Alignment of dates
        - Removed "to" replaced with "-" then centered
  • Daily Detail Breakdown Summary Report and Daily Detail Summary Report
        - Align Headers
        - Reformatted header
  • Edit State Period Quantity 
        - Fixed double entry problem in grid
  • Fixed error handling on Daily Detail Arrows first and last entries


Date: 6/18/2021

  • Updated menus
  • Updated Projects screen to show last 5 accessed projects
  • Updated Import to open project once imported


Date: 12/16/2020

  • Updated Total Qty Difference To Date on Quality Comparison when Quantity is updated on Estimate
  • Updated Previous Completed Quantity when adding new Item on Sub-Estimates
    "Fixed" Menu bar to the top so it does not scroll off the screen

Version 2020-10-01
Added Subcontractor Invoice Summary report
Added Subcontractor Library report
Added Home Screen (default page after logging in)
    Recent Projects 
        View All - Projects page
        Clear All - Clears recent projects
Updated Header -
    Project Search - search Project name or description
        Help - Readme
            Project Admin
            User Admin
            Sign Off
Updated Footer with User/Company
Updated Project and Estimate grid size to 100% height and 100% width
Updated Grid column header color scheme 
Version 2020-09-28
Added Readme file
Fixed Reporting error when opening reports

Version 2020-08-06
APIBL-164. Create Current Sub-estimate report.
APIBL-163. Customer cannot submit an invoice.
APIBL-162. Quantity Comparison display error.
APIBL-160. Delete project does not delete the project from the SQL database.
APIBL-159. Subcontractor estimates not totaling amounts.
APIBL-158. Access to delete Subcontractors out of Subcontractor library.
APIBL-155. Rows on Main grid are not consistent in size.

Version 2019-11-10
APIBL-154 Daily Quantity Summary Report.
Version 0.8.5 2019-08-20
APIBL-135, APIBL-142. New estimate create process not addressing sub-estimate data handling correctly.
Version 0.8.3 2019-08-13
APIBL-134. Daily Detail Entry - Sub-estimates.
Version 0.8.3 2019-08-13
APIBL-127. Export for v3.0 updated to support DailyDtl and QtyDetl data.  Added check on subcontractor import to ensure max table column lengths do not cause error on import.  Data is truncated.
Version 0.8.3 2019-08-12
APIBL-137. Estimate grid, wrap item numbers and item descriptions.
Version 0.8.3 2019-08-12
APIBL-136. Daily Detail Summary movement between entries and selecting All/Current current daily detail position was lost.
Version 0.8.3 2019-08-12
APIBL-138. Estimate item insert failing.
Version 0.8.2 2019-08-07
APIBL-124. Daily Detail Summary Dialog support.
Version 0.8.1 2019-07-31
APIBL-130. Project Estimate list edit qty, grid event triggers update 2x.  Resolved.
Version 0.8.1 2019-07-31
APIBL-129. DailyDtl Import and edit dialog now keyed on date / initials.
Version 0.8.0 2019-07-25
APIBL-117. Change log splash screen data now in STORE, shared between components and outside component lifecycle.
Version 0.8.0 2019-07-25
APIBL-127. Import Dailydtl and qtydeytl.
Version 0.8.0 2019-07-25
APIBL-128. DailyDtl grid refresh on second item entry.
Version 0.7.9 2019-07-23
APIBL-117. Change log splash screen.
Version 0.7.9 2019-07-23
Add Pay quantity comparison report.
Version 0.7.8 2019-07-10
Test Version sort
Version 0.7.6 2019-07-08
Test date sort in Version
Version 0.7.5 2019-04-01
test Version sort
Version 0.7.5 2019-07-08
test Version filter.  Should not show based on date.