How to Use Catalogs for a Quick Bid Build

How to Access & Create Catalogs then Build Projects using Them

A Catalog is a central location to store Pre-Built Items that can be used to quickly generate a new project with items and costs associated with them.  Multiple catalogs can be created for managing different types of construction work or different locations of work.

Enabling Catalogs

By default, Catalogs are not enabled within Estimating Link. To enable catalogs, go to the Setup menu and choose Options. Click the Catalogs tab and enable catalogs. After closing the Options window, you will need to restart the program for the changes to take effect.

Accessing Catalogs

To access catalogs within Estimating Link, go to the File menu and choose "Manage Catalogs". This will put Estimating Link into Catalog Mode, which means that there will be a navigator control on the left, and a content panel on the right part of the screen. Entering Catalog Mode will close the Active Project, if there is one.

When you first enter Catalog Mode, you will be in the Catalog Tasks panel. You can Create, Edit, Rename, or Delete a Catalog.  All of these functions are very similar to the project management screens that you are already familiar with.

If you leave the Catalog Tasks window and need to get back to it, click the “Catalogs” option at the very top of the navigator control to return to this screen at any time.

Creating Catalogs

Click the appropriate link on the Catalog Tasks panel to create a new catalog, and you will be prompted for a catalog name, as well as an optional description and location. When you enter this information, and click the Ok button, the new catalog will appear in the navigator control on the left.

You will notice a plus sign icon to the left of the newly created catalog. Click the plus sign icon, and you will notice that two sub-levels are available for Rate Tables and Item Sheets.

Clicking on one of those options will open the appropriate window, which will function identical to the way that those windows work when using a regular project. All the same functionality is there for maintaining Rate Tables and Item Sheets. You can even import data from a regular project into a catalog by using the import options available under the Services menu.

Item Categories

Catalogs can also be divided into separate categories. For example a catalog could contain one category of all your “Clearing” items and another category of all your “Paving” items. The use of categories is entirely optional and is intended to help you sort and locate items easily.

Building From Catalogs

The purpose behind the catalog system is to allow you to re-use pre-built Catalog items on new jobs. Building From Catalogs is a simple import, much the same way as you import items from your master template or other projects.

  1. Create a New Project by starting with a Blank Project
    Create New Project from Blank
  2. Go to the "Services>Import>Items from Another Project"
  3. A Project List Pop-Up Window will appear.  The Catalogs you have created will be included in the list in orange font.  Find your catalog and click "Ok."
  4. Another window will appear presenting a list of pre-built items inside the Catalog you just selected.  Check the box next to the items you would like to add to your bid, or you can click on "Select All" to select all of the items to add to your bid.  Once you have selected all the items you want to add to your bid, click "Ok."
  5. Check the box next to the items you would like to add to your bid, or you can click on "Select All" to select all of the items to add to your bid.  Once you have selected all the items you want to add to your bid, click "Ok."
  6. Another Window will Appear, Allowing you to import the catalog item into your new bid using the takeoff quantity and Item # you choose.  In the "Target Item", Enter the Takeoff Quantity and Item # for your new bid.  
    NOTE: Make sure you check "Add to Bid Sheet" if you want these items added to the Bid Sheet.  Otherwise, these items will be imported as Non-Bid Items.
  7. Continue this exercise until you have completed importing all the items you selected for your Bid.
  8. You have now quickly added your Pre-Built Items to your Bid Sheet.