Commonly Used Reports

How to access commonly used reports with summaries of each and previews.

Bid Sheet Summary Narrow

Navigation: Reports > Bid Sheet > Bid Sheet > Narrow

Includes: Project Properties and comments.  Detailed Markup Summary.  Bid Sheet calculations.

Uses: Overview of project.  Complete breakdown of bid.

Preview: Preview/Download Main-St Bid Sheet Narrow Report

Snapshot Preview:Main_St. Bid Sheet Narrow Report

Bid Item Summary

Navigation: Reports > Bid Sheet > Bid Sheet > Bid Item Summary

Includes: Item, Description, U/M, Bid Qty, T/ Qty, Unit Cost, Total Cost, Margin, Bid Unit, Total Bid, Spread.  Includes Alternates if Active.

Uses: Quick summary/overview of Bid Sheet

Preview: Preview/Download Main_St. Bid Item Summary Report

Snapshot Preview:Main_St. Bid Item Summary Report

Cost Summary

Navigation: Reports > Bid Sheet > Cost Summary > Summary

Includes: Rate Type, Rate Code, Rate Description, Vendor, Unit of Measure, Average Rate, Cost, Percent of Bid.  All Costs are calculated based on Takeoff Quantity.

Options: Labor, Equipment, Rent, Subcontractor, Other.  View one, a selection, or all.

Uses:  Purchasing Agent - Summary of everything purchased on the project.

Preview: Preview/Download Main_St.  Cost Summary Report

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Main_St. Cost Summary Report

Cost Summary Detailed

Navigation: Reports > Bid Sheet > Cost Summary > Detail

Includes: Rate Type, Rate Code, Rate Description, Unit of Measure. Quantity, Factor, Hours, Rate, Cost, Item Number, Item Description

Options: Labor, Equipment, Rent, Subcontractor, Other.  View one, a selection, or all.

Uses: Equipment & Rental Days/Hours & Rates.  Know how long your equipment will be in the field.

Preview: Preview/Download Main_St. Cost Summary Detailed Report

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Main_St. Cost Summary Detailed Report


Navigation: Reports > Bid Sheet > Cost Summary > Summary

Includes: Rate Type, Rate Code, Rate Description, Vendor, Unit of Measure, Average Rate, Cost, Percent of Bid.  All Costs are calculated based on Takeoff Quantity.

Options: Labor, Equipment, Rent, Subcontractor, Other.  View one, a selection, or all.

Uses: Summary of everything purchased on the project.

Preview: Preview/Download Main_St. Proposal Report

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Main_St. Proposal Report

Item Sheets

Item List (Item Directory)

Navigation: Reports > Item Sheet > Item List

Includes:  All Bid Items in the Item Library (including Sub Items). Item Number, Description, Unit of Measure, and Bid Quantity.

Uses: Reference

Preview: Preview/Download full Main_St. Item List Report

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Main_St. Item List Report

Field Worksheet

Navigation: Reports > Item Sheet > Field Worksheet

Includes:  Item(s) Rates: Type, Code, Description, Qty, U/M, Factor

Options: Select Item(s) (including Sub-Items) or all Items.

Uses: Report does not show costs.  Use for field.

Preview: Preview/Download full Main_St. Field Worksheet Report

Snapshot Preview:

Main_St. Item Worksheet Report

All Estimating Link Reports

Click here to view a list of all Estimating Link Reports with previews of each report using Main_St.