Creating & Modifying New Estimates

Create an Estimate

When you open a project, it automatically opens on the last Estimate you created.  If you have not created any estimates yet, it opens on Estimate 1. 

The image below shows that I am on Estimate 1 of Main_St:


Daily Details

The Daily Detail window allows you to enter quantities between two stations along wit the ability to add notes for the day.  A built-in calculator can be used to figure the total quantity and entries are grouped by day and by the initials of the person entering the data.

Access Daily Details

  1. While in your project and on the desired estimate, double click which Item you would like to modify.
  2. You can also go to Estimate > Daily Detail.  The Daily Detail window will appear with your first Item displayed.  

You can move from Item to Item in the Daily Detail window by using the arrows below Daily Detail.

Daily Details Window

The date in the Daily Detail window will automatically be set to the current date, unless the current date is outside the date range of the current estimate. In that case, the date will be set to the start of the current estimate. The initials will also be set to the initials last used when entering daily detail entries. By changing the initials or the date, the data will be loaded for that date 
and those initials. 

Entering Quantities

To add a new quantity entry, click plus sign button:

Enter the first and second stations, and the quantity completed either with a manual entry or with the calculator.  

To use the calculator, enter your calculations where it says "Enter Calculations."  Enter your calculation and hit Enter.  Your calculation will automatically be populated in the Qty field and your formula will be shown in Notes.

Click Apply.

Click Ok to save and exit the Daily Detail window.