Estimating Link - Foundation Interface Setup

Setup, Procedure and Example/Sample

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To see how to setup Foundation for Estimating Link Budget import, please click here.


If you're using Foundation Software, you'll want to start by setting up your integration in Estimating Link.  To do so, go to Setup > Options > Accounting.  Select whether you would like to export by either Item Number or by Cost Code and select Foundation:

*Note: Cost Codes are taken from the Item Worksheet and are based on Take-off quantities.

Import Cost Codes

If you already have your Cost Codes built, save them as a .csv file and then you can import them into Estimating Link via the Cost Code Library.  To do so, go to Setup > Cost Code Library.  Within the window select File > Import and select your saved .csv file:


To export your project, go to File > Export > Accounting > Foundation:


Using Estimating Link sample project, Item 401.01 Asphalt base as an example:

Note that the Cost Code for the Primary Item 401.01 is 4001 with a Cost Code Description of basw displayed in the Cost Code Library:

Note also, that the Item has a Sub-Level Item attached to it, 401.01 A, which is a striping Item and has a cost from the SMC Table for 15,000 LF of stripe at $0.05 per LF and a Cost Code of 1960 and a Cost Code Description of Paving from the Cost Code Library.

When exported to Foundation, the resulting file is displayed in notepad:

The first row would be the results of the primary Item.  An explanation of each number shown in the top row is below:

4001 Cost Code
basw Cost Code Desc.
4001 Sub Item Cost Code
basw Sub Item Cost Code Optional Description
96.00 Man Hours
1740.32 Unburdened Labor from the Rate Tables: 1,740.32 = the Base Wage for two days of the Foreman, Skilled Laborer, Basic Laborer, Asphalt Raker, Class A Operator, and Class B Operator = ((17.10 + 16.3 + 15.6 + 16.50 + 21.99 + 21.99 + 21.28) * 16).
74.32 Equipment Costs in the Primary Item
2638.40 Rental Costs in the Primary Item
69440.00 Material Costs in the Primary Item
0.00 Subcontractor Costs in the Primary Item
41.50 Other Costs in the Primary Items
1516.18 Labor Burden Costs = 1516.18 - If you add this to the Unburdened labor cost from above 1740.32,  it equals the Total Labor Cost for the Primary Item = 3,256.50

In the second row, the results of the Sub-Level Item are displayed with Subcontractor Costs = 750 in the Sub-Level Item.

To see how to setup Foundation for Estimating Link Budget import, please click here.


If we can be of further assistance, please reach out to us at anytime: (800) 448 - 0741 or