Estimating Link Setup for Field Link Interface

Instructions with screenshots to setup Estimating Link to send Projects to Field Link

Prior to sending an Estimating Link project to Field Link, ensure that you have Estimating Link setup correctly.

In Estimating Link, go to Setup > Options > Field Link and the below window will be displayed:


Field Link Online Server

By default, the correct link should already be in the field but if not, the link is:

Passive Project Mode

The Passive Mode Project Upload should NOT be checked.  This should only be checked if specifically instructed to do so.

Send Combined Items

This option allows you to send Estimating Link Project Items to Field Link with or without Sub-Level Items and Combined Items.

  • Selecting Yes will send all your Project's Sub-Items to Field Link.
  • Selecting No will send only your Project's Primary Items to Field Link.

Tip: If you have already submitted a project to Field Link with or without sub-items, and you want to change your import, go to Field Link, make the project inactive, then delete the project from the inactive list.  You can then resubmit your Project from Estimating Link again with the new settings.