Estimating Link Updates & Releases

Estimating Link's list of updates & releases with detail.

Version 3.1.1 (152)

Date:  7/16/2024

Please note: This is a database change.

  • Enhanced and added to Vendor Type Report, DBE/MBE/WBE, to show 60% for Material vendors.  Reports > Bid Sheet > DBE/MBE/WBE  (3487)
  • Enhanced and cleaned up Administrator Audit Log.  Setup > Options > Admin > Audit Log. (3501)
  • New Feature - Haul Calculator.  Tool within the Item module to assist with Equipment and Rental Haul times (3358).
  • Resolved issue with copying an item and overlaying an item that is an alternate that cleared alternate status (3411)
  • Resolved issue with searching by description in the Build Wizard feature (3428)
  • Resolved issue with searching by cost code in the Build Wizard feature (3377)
  • Enhanced user interface when moving from Fuel Worksheet to posting defaults. (3457)
  • Updated code to instantly refresh Bid Sheet when Sections are enabled. (3357)
  • Updated spelling on Bid Sheet > Services > Catalog > Send Current Item to Catalog. (3480)
  • Updated text on Select Bid Items window for easier viewing (3455)
  • Resolved error with blocked Import when importing Items with Sub-Items (3485)
  • Updated two Reports: Cost Code Summary & Cost Code Item Breakdown to allow for longer Item Descriptions. (3462, 3486)
  • Resolved issue of restoring historic projects from Estimating Link version 2 and older versions of Estimating Link version 3. (3489)
  • Updated update installer window to include link to "View Updates on Knowledge Link" for streamlined viewing of modifications, including: New Features, Enhancements, Updates, Bug Fixes, etc. (3523)
  • Enhanced User Management Link to provide Administrator control over suppressing Estimating Link update messages for all users. (3495).

Version 3.0.918 (149)

Date:  3/27/2024

Please note: This is a database change.

  • Enhanced Spreadsheet Export Wizard with 2 additional fields: Equipment Hours & Rental Hours (3335)
  • Added Viewpoint/Spectrum Cloud Accounting Interface Option (3396)  
  • Enhanced Proposals with Alternates.  When “Include Alternate Summary” is on, the Proposal shows: Active Alternates 1-8 “Totals” section that includes Base Bid and total, and Alternates and respective totals (3374)
    • When Include Alternate Summary is checked:
      • "When Page Break at Subtotals is on, the Totals section should be on the next page"
      • The setting for Totals is "Page Break Before" and is working correctly.
      • The setting "Page Break at Subtotals" is for the Section Subtotals.
  • Resolved issue with Alternate 4 showing on Standard Proposal. (3431)
    • To view Standard Proposal: Reports > Bid Sheet > Proposal > Standard
  • Improved user interface when user is within an editable cell on Bid Sheet and Item Sheet (3476).
  • Revised Job Totals Report to show direct cost Markup amount, from the Markup Summary window. (3380)
    • To view Job Totals Report: Reports > Bid Sheet > Bid Sheet > Job Totals 
  • Added error handling to Foundation export when exporting to a file in use (3378)
  • Updated Cost Code Library to allow deleting a Cost Code that has apostrophes (3379)
  • Updated code to close program after open for 6 hours (3216)
  • Fixed issue with Equipment Write-In on Item Sheet when Catalog are turned on (3447)
  • Resolved issue with import files not opening after canceling the spreadsheet import wizard (3415)
  • Resolved integration with Field Link to send Combined Items when selected (3026)
    • To send Sub-Items from Estimating Link to Field Link, go to Setup > Options > Field Link and select Yes to Send Combined Items.
  • Resolved Bond showing values from previous project (3446).  
    • When accessing the Bond Calculator from View > Markup > Bond, the Markup Summary window will appear behind the Bond window resulting in calculations directly from the Markup Summary window.
  • Resolved Circular Combines issue caused by importing Sub-Item, renaming it with an existing Item Number, and then deleting. (3429)
    • An Informational message will now be displayed to prevent an Item from being created that already exists:
  • Resolved Cost Summary Detail report issue due to long Item/Rate/Cost Code descriptions (3462)
    • To view report: Reports > Bid Sheet > Cost Summary > Summary
  • Fixed problem with program update application when program not installed (3384)
  • Fixed a problem when no temporary directory exists (3413)
  • Updated SMC & RTC Tables for multi-user functionality (2897,3451,3005,3391)
  • Resolved issue with Vendor Type showing incorrect MBE/WBE/DBE amounts when Sub-Items are present (3338)
  • Resolved issue on new installation when editing or adding companies (3426)

Version 3.0.911 (147)

Date: 10/24/2023

  • Improved program update process for customers with databases on servers so all users do not need to exit the program during an update. (2810, 3365, 3403)
    • Please note, this improvement applies specifically to users with Estimating Link on a workstation, connected to a shared database on a server. Users accessing Estimating link via a shared desktop accessed by RDP, Citrix or other technologies, will still need to have all users exit the program to update.
  • Added error handling when attempting to add Sections when no Items present (883)
  • Enhanced display of "Open Item" marker on the Bid Sheet (1064)
  • Added code to handle known Windows issue to resolve error log files growing very large if database is restored with out resetting (3004)
  • Improved Rate Table Services drop down menu (3250)
  • Added additional code for background refresh, removed exception and added additional logging (3251)
  • Improved options when cancelling out of Import/Copy Item feature (3259)
  • Improved consistency when exiting/closing EL (3264)  
    • *Note-As always, uncommitted changes will result in lost data.
  • Resolved issue with adding Sections to the Bid Sheet freezing (3270)
  • Improved adding Sections features to effectively handle large projects (3397)
  • Added User1 field to Subcontractors  for importing with Spreadsheet Import Wizard (3321)
  • Added error handling to Fuel Worksheet when no rates are present in Defaults to inform user of what is needed (3341)
  • Removed ability to add INDIRECT item to bid sheet when doing Copy Item / Merge (3375)
  • Refined QuickBooks interface to export project and sync Customer Library without duplicates (3387)
  • Updated text on Re-Number Bid Items window to be more user-friendly and concise (3398)
  • Fixed export of Company Library to include all companies (3399)
  • Added error handling to Libraries when attempting to export a file that is in use (3401)

Version 3.0.910 (145) 

Date: 8/8/2023

*Please note - Users sharing projects, need to be on the same version of Estimating Link to ensure compatibility.

  • Updated AASHTOWare interface for Sequence Numbers for Sub-Items (3297)
  • Updated store procedures where needed to decrease unhandled exceptions (3325)
  • Enhanced Bid Sheet > Proposal > Lump Sum (Base & Alts) to include Sections when an Alternate is associate with it. (3312)
  • Updated Server Configuration Tool with cert passwords in Advanced Installer prompts (3330)
  • Added 4 additional Alternates (3300)
  • Updated code when sending project with Alternates to Field Link (3334)
  • Updated Vendor Type Report (3338)
  • Resolved issue with Write-Ins

Version 3.0.907 (143)

Date: 5/3/2023

  • Streamlined EL update process (3269)
    • Updating EL is now quicker and easier than ever before. If you are on version 3.0.906 or higher, you will receive a notification that an update is available and the option to update now. If you choose update now (and you’re on an active EL Maintenance and Support Agreement), your update will begin.
    • User’s no longer need to go to EL Downloads page to install EL updates.
  • Updated EL code to ensure EL desktop connection accessibility when offline (3276 & 3246)
  • Fixed EL Copy Project code to include Taxes-Add Ons-Deduct (3284)
  • Updated EL State Setup Table to interface with EBS files (3297)
  • Enhanced functionality of importing complex items into existing projects (2912)
  • Added increased functionality to Select Items as Alternate window for users to quickly add addendums as Alternates (3293)
  • Enhanced Item Breakdown report to include Sub-Item’s unit of measure (3310)
    • Reports>Bid Sheet>Cost Codes>Item Breakdown
  • Enhanced Cost Summary Breakdown by Bid Items report to sequence/sort order by Primary Item (3311)
    • Reports>Bid Sheet> Cost Summary>Breakdown by Bid Item
  • Enhanced Cost Summary Report to include labels and calculations for hours (3316)
    • Reports<Bid Sheet>Cost Summary>Summary
  • Added User Management Link (UML) accessibility to all users in EL (3292 & 3294)
    • Setup>Options>User Administration
    • Note – EL user will still need to enter UML credentials
  • Enhanced Bid Sheet Summary Wide report to include column headers on all pages (3295)
    • Reports>Bid Sheet>Bid Sheet> Summary (Wide)
  • Added EL error handling for multiple Items with the same name (3296)
  • Fixed Markup Summary Cost % graph to show (3301)
    • On the Markup Summary window, click on View > Cost Percentages Graph
  • Updated EL code for Vermont state export to always use line numbers or sequence numbers (3304)
  • Enhanced Copy Project to hide panel at bottom of EL screen to provide users with more EL screen real estate (3309)
  • Updated Crews in Catalog feature to include all resources (3319)
    • Note – Catalogs created prior to EL V 3.0.907 will not work.
  • Enhanced Breakdown by Bid Item report to include Item descriptions (3260)
    • Reports>Bid Sheet>Cost Summary>Breakdown by Bid Items
  • Updated EL code on Bid Sheet to ensure double clicking on an Item drills down (3308)
  • Updated code to save user-defined fields on Rates when project backed up (3323)
  • Fixed Sage Advance Option by Bid Qty or TO Qty (3326)

Version 3.0.906 (142)

Date: 1/12/2023

  • Updated AASHTOWare to accommodate duplicate Item numbers (3289)
    • Using the Line Number(Sequence number) to match EL data to the AASHTOWare data in the csv file
  • Updated Spectrum accounting export to handle Sub-Items where Factors are in the parent Item (3225)

  • Added error handling in copy project for SMC table data (3278)

    • User will be able to copy project's that have unfinished SMC tables.
  • Increased the characters in the backup path in Setup>Options>Database>Backup Path (3265)

    • Estimating Link now accepts more characters in this field to maintain new Microsoft Window's functionality.
  • Enhanced Bid Item Detail Reports to include Header Columns (3258)

Version 3.0.905 (142)

Date: 11/11/2022

  • Fixed Bond Table to check for Zeros in Bond Total (3268)
  • Added functionality to Rate Table Setup window - Equipment, Other Cost now will make global changes to existing Rates (3266)

Version 3.0.904 (142)

Date: 11/04/2022

  • Added ability to have a Write-In(s) (that are not added to Rate Library) on Indirect Item (3153)
    • Write-In(s) (that are selected to not be added to Rate Library) that are associated with the Indirect Item will no longer receive an error.
  • Added Sub-Level Item calculations to Item Sheet Cost Detail Report (3186)
  • Revised Item Sheet Costs Detail Report to handle production in Days & Hours (3229)
    • Reports > Bid Sheet > Item Sheet > Item Detail.  Report header columns now show Units/Day or Units/Hour and Days Required or Hours Required and calculation of resources reflects Days or Hours.  Example with Hours here.
  • Added Field Link variance percentage for Equipment & Rental export (3231)
    • Export from Field Link to Estimating Link now includes data necessary for Field Link Variance Percentage calculations.
  • Added iCX interface in partnership with Exevision (NH, TX, WY, NV, IL, VT) (3234)
    • Users in states using iCX (Electronic Bid Submission) can now export from iCX into Estimating Link.  Exevision is still working on adding TCLI to the options in their Export window but for the time being, users can export from iCX by selecting the HardDollar option (TCLI and HardDollar use the same template).
  • Revised Advanced Markup Summary for Add Ons (tax, contingencies, escalation) (3236)
    • Advanced Markup Summary is accessed in Estimating Link by opening a project and going to File > Project Properties > Options and selecting Use Cost Categories and clicking Ok.  With this setting enabled, when Markup Summary is accessed, the Advanced Markup Summary will be displayed.
  • Updated RTC to handle Rate codes that have same Code/Description as an Item Number/Description (3247)
    • When a write-in is given a code that is the same as an existing Item Number, the RTC and SMC modules will recognize the resource and not conflict with Item Numbers.
  • Updated Fuel Breakdown Report for concurrent user environment. (3057)(3177)
    • Reports > Bid Sheet > Cost Summary > Fuel Breakdown will now display data for all uses connected to a server.  Example here.
  • Added additional selection option to Spreadsheet Import Wizard, Line Number (3157)
  • Added message to user when connection is lost to internal server (3166)
    • When a user's internal connection to their server is lost, a message will be displayed stating "Check internet connection and try again."
  • Revised EL update install for notification & ability to update in program (3206)(3235)(3237)
    • Users on an outdated version of Estimating Link will receive the message "An update is available" when launching the program.  Built into this release is the code necessary for the next release to allow users to update their program directly from Estimating Link (as opposed to going to Estimating Link Downloads). This will make updating much quicker and more convenient.
  • Updated error handling for Spreadsheet Import Wizard when original file is left open (3244)
    • When importing a spreadsheet file and the file that you are importing from is left open, users will receive this message, "There was an error accessing the file.  Make sure the file is not being used by another process."
  • Enhanced Select Project window to include Alternate calculations to Bid Amount (3204)
    • When selecting a project (i.e. Copy Project, Import Item), the Select Project window column, labeled Bid Amount, will now show the respective project's Bid Amount including Alternate calculations. 
  • Updated Help, Share Your Screen to Zoom from Go To Meeting (3238)
    • Help > Share Screen will now open Zoom Join Meeting in the user's default browser instead of Go To Meeting Join Meeting.
  • Enhanced Help Menu to include Updates & Releases under Knowledge Link (3241)
    • Help > Knowledge Link now has a drop down menu that includes Tutorials and Updates & Releases giving the user easy access to tutorials, recorded trainings, how to article's, etc. on Knowledge Link as well as easy access to a list of changes that are included with Estimating Link updates.
  • Updated AASHTOWare integrations and added AK as a state option (3252)
    • Estimating Link's integration with AASTOWare has been updated to include new states introduced to AASHTOWare and the state of Alaska has been added as an option in Estimating Link.  Setup > Options > States.
  • Updated TCLI logo on desktop icon and forms icon (3130)
    • The desktop icon that comes with Estimating Link as well as the forms icon (used in Estimating Link and Windows Taskbar has been updated.

Version: 3.0.903 (141)

Date: 09/06/2022

  • Enriched display of Combine Items by adding combine factor to Item description on Item Sheets.  Now shows Item number - Combine Factor (0.XX).  (3192)
  • Added in a scale factor for Labor depending on Production Type. (3190)
  • Resolved Project in hours displaying day Rates in Item sheets (3151)
  • Updated Crew calculation when changes made in Crews (3182)
  • Fixed error copying and Item (3106)

Version 3.0.902 (141)

Date: 08/23/2022

  • Reconstructed FL Equipment and Rental Operating and Idle Cost export values (3232)

Version 3.0.901 (141)

Date: 08/11/2022

  • Modified Equipment Cost Breakdown by Bid Item Export with views join to equipment and created a calculated field for total costs. (3218)
  • Renamed DB Backup to Project Backup.  Relocated it to the Database tab on the Options screen
  • Added TableName as a parameter for the Price Sheet report (3227)
  • Reconstructed ability to edit Sub Item Numbers on Import/Copy. Reverted changes from (3210)

Version 3.0.900 (140)

Date: 06/24/2022

  • Enhanced Advance Markup Summary to include Fees to report on the bid sheet (3195)
  • Added error handling when creating a sublevel item using the Sub-Level assistant (3210)
  • Added Feature User Management Link access in program.  Setup > User Administration to open a web browser to the site (3212/3198)
  • Renamed DB Backup to Project Backup and moved it to the General tab on the Options screen

Version 3.0.899 (140)

Date: 3/25/2022

  • Added code to not check for WRITEIN's for Equipment/Rental resources when checking for Missing Rates in Check Project (3196)
  • Improved time message when not posting a change on Rate Tables (3197)
  • Improved importing of EL2 projects
  • Modified reset Bid units on cost change (when Reset Bid Unit on Cost Change is selected in Project Properties) on SMC/RTC, Post/Un-Post (3200)
  • Reconditioned timeout on the program sitting idle to 6 hours (3189)

Version 3.0.898 (140)

Date: 1/26/2022

  • Enhanced Spreadsheet Import Wizard by adding code to remove '$' or ',' in base rates (3187)
  • Added - Close the Estimating Link program after sitting idle for 60 minutes (3189)
  • Added sequence numbers to state projects (3191)

Version 3.0.897 (140)

Date: 12/27/2021

  • Improved Rate Tables Factors to recalculate the items sheets on a factor change. (3190)