Factors Tutorial

Factors overview, and creating and using factors for both hours and days.

Overtime Factors

The Overtime Factors can be accessed by going to the Rate Tables and clicking on the Factors tab at the top of the window.  

You can enter new factors to use by entering a new number in the Factor Code box.  After entering the number, press either Tab or Enter to create the new factor.  After the new code is created, you can specify the hours per day for that code as well as the factors.  You can use the charts below to determine the factors for the common day lengths.  After all information has been entered for that factor code, press the Post button to  save the changes you have just made.

Factors codes can be deleted by clicking on the factor code in the grid that you want to delete.  Once the desired code is highlighted, press the Delete button to delete the factor code.  You will be asked for confirmation that the factor code chosen was the correct one.

The Default factor code will always be there and it is the default factor used whenever a new item is created.  If you are going to bid an entire job at 10 hours per day, you can change the default record to be 10 hours per day with the appropriate factors.  Then, whenever you create a new item, the item will already be set to 10 hours per day.  By default, this code is set to 8 hours per day with factors of 1.0 for each field.

Below you will find charts for common factors as well as the formulas that will allow you to calculate your own custom factors.

Formulas for Units/Day

Formula for Units/Hour