Field Link - JOBPOWER Accounting Interface

Field Link Interface to JOBPOWER accounting system

Please see Field Link Accounting for detailed information on setting up all accounting in Field Link.

Setup Field Link

  1. In Field Link, go to Admin from the main navigation.
  2. Select System Options.
  3. In the field for Payroll System, Add JobPower:
  4. Make other desired changes on the System Options screen.
  5. Click Submit.

Export from Field Link to JOBPOWER

Preview Payroll Data File

The preview of the Payroll data file is a display of the comma delimited file (CSV) which will be created for JOBPOWER to interface with.  Your preview should look similar to this:

Each field above is explained below:

Field JOBPOWER Field Link
1 Employee Name First Name & Last Name
2 Employee Number Employee ID
3 Cost Code Item Description
4 Cost Code Number Item Number
5 Site Project Name
6 Site Number Project No.
7 State Date Start Date
8 End Date *Intentionally blank
9 Hours Worked Hours Worked
10 Regular Hours Regular Hours
11 Overtime Hours Overtime Hours
12 Double Overtime Hours Double Overtime Hours

Transfer Data to Payroll System

To create the file with your payroll information for JOBPOWER:

  1. Select the “Transfer Data to Payroll System” Link.  The file name will be Payroll.csv.
  2. Save the file (consider renaming it to Week ending) in a folder that your accounting program will have access to.
  3. A prompt will ask you if you are sure you want to export his data. Select OK.
    1. The data will be exported in a comma delimited format that is compatible with JOBPOWER.
  4. Simply save the file and then import it into JOBPOWER following their best practices.