This tutorial guides you through the steps to restore your catalogs to Estimating Link using backup files.
Catalogs play a crucial role in Estimating Link, enabling you to create bids more efficiently. When upgrading or replacing computers, it is essential to ensure your catalogs are not left behind. In this guide, we will demonstrate how simple it is to restore your catalogs on a new installation of Estimating Link.
For more on how to use catalogs, click here.
Step 1 - Enable Catalogs
By default, Catalogs are not enabled within Estimating Link. Before restoring your catalogs, make sure you have them enabled.
- From Estimating Link
- Go to Setup > Options > Catalogs > Select "Yes"
- Go to Setup > Options > Catalogs > Select "Yes"
Step 2 - Retrieve your Catalog Files from your old computer
If you've already retrieved your files, move on to Step 2
- You can move files between your computers in a few different ways
- By email as an attachment or zip file
- By usb flash drive
- By adding to a shared file (i.e. OneDrive, Dropbox, etc.)
- Open your computer's file explorer
and navigate to This PC> OS (C:) > Program Files (x86) > Construction Link > Estimating Link V3 > Backups
- Sort by Type and look for CLC File
- Sort by Type and look for CLC File
- Select your files, right click to copy, and paste the files into your method of transfer (email, flash drive, or shared file).
🗒️Note: If you emailed your files to yourself, make sure to download or unzip your files before continuing.
Step 2 - Restore your Catalog Files into your new computer
- From Estimating Link, navigate to File > Manage Catalogs. This will bring you to the Catalog Module.
- From the Catalog Module, navigate to File > Import > Restore Catalog
- Your File Explorer will open and you'll need to Navigate to where you have your files stored (downloads, usb drive, or shared file)
- Once complete, you'll see your catalogs in the tree view on the left.
If you need a refresher on catalogs, check out this Knowledge Link article: How to Use Catalogs for a Quick Bid Build
If we can be of further assistance, please reach out to us at anytime: (800) 448 - 0741 or