How to Setup Estimating Link on a Local Server

Setting up Enterprise Estimating Link for multi-user environment


Estimating Link for windows is a multi-user program when used over a dedicated server-based network. This means that more than one person can work in a project at the same time. Each user’s workstation must have an access key installed for the program to run and the workstation needs to have access to a network server that has Microsoft’s SQL server on it.

To ensure adequate performance and reliable storage and network communication, Microsoft Windows 2016 Server or higher is recommended for modern server hardware.

Please note: Using a workstation operating system to act as a server, is not a supported configuration.

 The Construction Link provides for its Enterprise customers, an Estimating Link Server Configuration tool that will install will install Microsoft’s SQL express server on a Windows server. If the program is going to be used in a multiuser environment, the server must allow users to access the SQL server through the windows firewall. It should also be noted that this reads and writes constantly to the database. An antivirus program running on the server will greatly diminish performance of the program if the antivirus does not exclude the SQL server.

 It should also be noted that if there are other instances of Microsoft’s SQL server running on the server, they must allow for at least 2 GB’s of ram be available for the Estimating Link database.

We also offer a server soft key for network or terminal (RDC) installation, your IT person should call our support staff for assistance.

Install The Server Configuration Tool

On the desktop of the server, the TCLI Server Configuration Tool 1.1.23 should be installed and opened on the server with Administrative privileges.  You then establish the instance named TCLI and create a small program which will allow the administrator to administer the database functions as shown below:

Start by downloading the Estimating Link Server Configuration Tool.  Click here and sign in with your credentials.

Scroll down to "Private Files For Your Company:"  

  • If you have installed Estimating Link on the server, select the Setup_Server.exe file to download and install.
  • If you do not have Estimating Link installed on the server, select Setup_Server_wSQL2014.exe.

File name: Setup_Server.exe (run as administrator)

Click Next to accept changing the firewall.

Click Nest to accept the default path or Browse to change to a different location.

Read and accept the License Agreement terms.  Click Next.

Click Install to start the install process.

Installing the SQL server can take up to five minutes.

Click Finish.

Click on the new Icon to open the Estimating Link Configuration Tool.

The new Manage Estimating Link Local Databases should be displayed as shown below:

Click on the tab Create Database.

Click OK to accept the default database name.

Click OK.

The installation of the Server Configuration Tool is now complete and the 2014 SQL Express server is installed on the new server.

Please note that the Estimating Link program reads and writes to the SQL Database constantly. It is recommended that you exclude the database files .LDF and .MDF in your firewall.