Import Quantities from Field Link into Billing Link

Seamless integration of Field Link Quantities into Billing Link

Create your Estimate in Billing Link

On your Estimate in Billing Link, enter your start and End Date for your Estimate:

These dates are important because these are the dates that it will bring from Field Link.

Import Field Link Quantities

On the correct Estimate in Billing Link, go to Estimate > Import Field Link Quantities:

The Billing Link Estimate should now be populated with the quantities completed in that period from Field Link.


Estimate 1

Here's the data I already have:

  • I have no quantities in Billing Link for Estimate 1. 
    • April 19 timesheet has 200 CYS for production on Item 101:
    • April 20 timesheet has 0 CYS production on Item 101:
      • I have two timesheets in Field Link for the period between April 1 2023 to April 30, 2023.

In Billing Link, I have my first Estimate ready to go with the period Start Date of 4/1/2023 and End Date 4/30/2021:

In Billing Link, I go to Estimate > Import FieldLink Quantities, and my Estimate 1 is now updated with the Quantities:

Estimate 2

To start a new Estimate in Billing Link, I go to Estimate > New Estimate.  Billing Link creates the next Estimate and auto numbers it for me.   I used Start Date 5/1/2023 and End Date 5/8/2023:

Note that my Previous Completed Quantity of 200 is now under the Previous Completed Quantity.

I can now import my quantities for this period using the same procedure as above and it will import my Field Link Quantities for 5/1/2023 through 5/8/2023.