Item Sheet Calculations

Summary of Item Sheet Calculations

Top of the window

  • Item Name or Number – The Item field is the Item's name or number for the current item. It can be up to 15 characters either alpha or numeric.
    • 3 dots –  Navigate to different Items on the Item Sheet module of the program.
      • Select Item window appears and lists all the Items within the project. To go to the Item sheet of a different item, simply select which Item you'd like to go to.
  • Arrows – Quickly go to the next numbered Item, by using the up or down arrows after the 3 dots.
  • Item Description -Enter up to a 120 character description of the item

Primary Window Pane

Item Resource Cost Window – this is the center table that lists all of the cost that are included in the current item.


  • T – the first column describes the type of rate.
    • L-labor
    • E-equipment
    • R-rental
    • M-material
    • S-subcontractor
    • C- Crew
    • O-Other
    • I-Combined Item
    • Green I – Sub level item
    • Z – Comment
  • Description – Description of the rate. The color of the text description also tells you something about how the cost was calculated and where it was derived from.
    • Blue – rates from a crew
  • Quantity – This column shows the quantity for costs.
  • U/M – is the unit of measure for the cost
  • Factor - This number represents either a time factor or a quantity factor depending on the category.
    • For labor, equipment, and rentals the factor represents the number of days or hours that are required.
    • For material and Subcontractor, the factor is treated as a second quantity field.
    • This field can be used as a conversion factor to convert from the costs unit of measure to that of the item.
    • Other cost can be configured either way depending on how whether you have Other set as time or by quantity.
  • Rate-the rate column represents the rate established for the cost.
  • Costs-is the extended cost calculated by the quantity times the factor times the rate.
  • Unit Cost – Located at the bottom of the cost window is unit cost that is calculated by dividing the total cost by the Take Off quantity, not the Bid quantity.
  • Total Cost – A summary of all the costs included in the current item

Production Window

  • Production – allows you to pick how the Item sheet is calculated based on either days or hours. Each will recalculate costs based on which one is selected. It will also change the headings on the production field to reflect the selected unit.
  • Hours/day- allows you to set the number of hours that the work day is based on. The default value is 8 hours per day. By clicking the down arrow, the user can select other day lengths which were set in the Rate Tables, Factor category. Changes in the day length will cause the labor and equipment costs rates in the cost window to be recalculated based on the factors.
  • Cost Code – This is for use with your accounting software to identify an item or group of items to be interfaced into the Job Cost of an accounting system. This can be 15 characters. Then the user enters a new Cost Code, the program requests that a description be entered also.
    • Both are stored in the Cost Code Library for future use.
    • Cost Codes and Cost Code descriptions can also be entered in the Cost Code library from the Setup > Cost Code Library.
  • Bid Quantity- This is the number that comes from the owners or proposal. It is the pay quantity for the current item
  • Take Off Quantity – this is your field or plan measured pay quantity for this item.
    • Please note that the pay quantity is the amount the owner will actually pay, not the amount you may to complete in the field.
  • Unit of measure – unit of measure for the current item
  • Man Hours -The calculated number of man hours for the current item.
  • Units/MH – man hours per unit or the number of man hours
  • MHs/Unit-number of man hours type divided by the take off quantity.
    • Man hours, Units/MH and MH’s/unit requires at least one cost included in the current item to be a labor cost.
  • Units/Day or Hour – Based on the production selected, you can enter the number of units per day or hour estimated to be completed in that day or hour.
    • Once entered, the fields hours required or days required and man hours per unit will be calculated based on the take off quantity
  • Days required - based on the production selected, you can enter the number of days or hours estimated to complete the item. Once entered, it updates units/hour or days an man hours/unit will be calculated based on the take off quantity.