Key Board Short Cuts

Windows Shortcuts - common windows text editing commands

Ctrl + A Select All  

Ctrl + Z Undo  

Ctrl + X Cut  

Ctrl + C Copy  

Ctrl + V Paste

Fn + Print Screen – Same as right mouse click  


Main Program - can be accessed from anywhere in the program

Alt + F File Menu  

Alt + E Edit Menu  

Alt + V View Menu  

Alt + R Go to Rate Tables  

Alt + I Go to Item Sheets  

Alt + B Go to Bid Sheet  

Alt + S Go to SMC Tables  

Alt + T Go to RTC Tables  

Alt + U Setup Menu  

Alt + P Reports Menu  

Alt + H Help Menu  

Alt + O Open Existing Project  

Alt + L Close Current Project  

Alt + X Exit Program  

F1 Open Help File  


General Commands - can be used from any numeric field within the program

F8 Calculator  

Ctrl + F8 Metric Calculator  


Rate Tables - must be in the Rate Tables window

Ctrl + R Rename Rate  


Item Sheets - must be in the Item Sheets window

Ctrl + L Append Cost from Library  

Ctrl + W Append Write-in Cost  

Ctrl + M Append Comment  

Ctrl + PgDn Next Item  

Ctrl + PgUp Previous Item  


Item Sheets (Cost Grid) - must be within the Cost Grid of an Item Sheet

Ins Insert Cost  

Del Delete Cost  

Alt + F7 Insert Comment  

F7 Digitizer (from quantity field)  

Ctrl + F7 Agtek (from quantity field)  

Alt + F8 Pipe Calculator (from quantity field)  

Alt + M Go to Item Number field  

Alt + U Go to Unit of Measure field  

Alt + Q Go to Cost Grid  

Alt + G Go to Bid Sheet (for this item)  

F2 View Rate  


Bid Sheet - must be in Bid Sheet window

Ins Insert Item  

F3 Add Write-in  

Ctrl + F3 Insert Write-in  

Ctrl + H Insert Section Header  

Ctrl + E Insert End Section  

F5 New Move Money  

Del Delete Item  

F4 Reset Bid Unit (single item)  

F2 View Item  

F7 Display Open Items  

F9  Manual Recalc  


SMC/RTC - must be in either SMC or RTC window

F3 Vendor Properties (current column)  

F10 Post Current Column