KL Template

Template for building new KL articles for consistency.

All TCLI KL articles should have the same look and feel so the user experiences consistency.


If there are any prerequisites prior to being able to do the function, they should be listed in bullet form at the top with relative links included.


Screenshots should have a border and be sized appropriately.


All screenshots should have the below border:

Color: 002060

Border Weight: 1 1/2 pt

Sized appropriately.  For instance, the original size looks like this:

On the KL article, this would be an appropriate size:

If using markups on the screen, boxes should be:

Color: 00000

Border Weight: 1 1/2 pt



Designated a click(s) should be bolded and in the following format(s):

  • Click Ok.
  • Click File > Import > Restore Project.  Windows File Explorer will now be displayed.
  • Select the project you would like to import.  Click Open.

Call Outs

The type of call out should be the first text and should be one of the following: Tip:, Note:, Caution:, or Warning:.  The type should be bolded and all text within the callout should be in italics.

Use the below for call outs:

💡Tip:  Tip text here.

🗒️Note: Note text here.

Caution: Note text here

⚠️Warning: Warning text here.


Headings 3


Headings 4




Should be one of following: 

  • Estimating Link
  • Field Link
  • Billing Link


Choose the correct subcategory


List all the keywords that someone may use to find the article (public search, not inside KL).


Add this to the end of all KL articles:

If we can be of further assistance, please reach out to us at anytime: (800) 448 - 0741 or Support@TCLI.com.