Metric Conversion Calculator

Convert from English units to Metric Units and from Metric Units to English Units

This calculator is used to convert from English units to Metric units and from Metric units to English units. It can be displayed any place in the program by right clicking with your mouse  and selecting Metric Calculator (or by pressing the Ctrl key and the F8 key at the same time): 

The Metric Conversion window is now displayed:

Typing the source quantity in either the English or metric amount field will display a selection window where the user selects the type of unit the amount was entered in. If the amount was entered in the English side the choices will all be English units. If it was a metric unit entered, metric unit types will appear to choose from. After the source type has been selected the destination type must be selected. This will vary based on this source type. While using the metric calculator the ESC key is used to reset the calculator and F10 is used to paste the result to the location the metric calculator was called from.