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Moving Estimating Link database from one SQL server to another SQL Server

Step by step instructions with screenshots on how to move the Estimating Link Database from one SQL server to another SQL server

To move the Estimating Link database (TCLIdb) from one SQL server to another SQL server on a different machine requires the installer of the SQL server to have a thorough understanding of SQL server permissions and procedures.

Depending on the use of the SQL server by other programs, our database (TCLIdb) can be installed on the existing server instance with other program databases.  Because of possible performance issues, we prefer to have our database on a separate SQL instance, which means the person that installed the SQL Server program will have to install it again with a new instance called TCLI.  A separate instance would also require memory allocation to each instance. For this document, we will assume that new SQL server (New Server) is to be used exclusively for our database.

*You will need an experienced technician to perform this operation who has knowledge in the use  of SQL Command line Queries and Management Studio. We are providing this document as a guide.


  • Install the Estimating Link Server configuration Tool on the new server.
  • Install Microsoft’s Management Studio on the new server.
  • Make sure no users are using the program on the old server by stopping the SQL service.
  • If using a Terminal Server, update the Estimating program to the latest version.
  • Have the company ID and password we assigned to your company available.
  • Have administrative privileges on both servers.

Step 1

Start by downloading and installing the latest version of the Estimating Link Server Configuration Tools program, (Setup_Server.exe) from Estimating Link Downloads to the existing old server. This program may be already installed on your existing server.

You will need your CLI company Id and password issued to you by The Construction Link, Inc. when you purchased the program or the annual maintenance & support agreement.

We are assuming that there are no users using the database.

Step 2

Once installed, run the Server Configuration Tools program and click on the Backup Database located in lower pane of the window:

The file will be saved to the following location on the existing server:
C:\program files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL12.TCLI\MSSQL\Backup, and will have a file name like TCLIdb_20201123_0930.bak.

Highlight the database file and save it to a network drive where you can retrieve it by the New

Step 3

Download and Install the latest version of the Estimating Link Server Configuration Tools program, Either the (Setup_Server_wSQL2014.exe) from our website to the New Server, or, if you are installing a different version, in this case download and install just the Setup_Server.exe.

Open the Server Configuration Tool program and use the Create Database button to create the TCLI blank database (TCLIdb):

*Once done, you MUST exit this server tools program to continue.

Step 4

If not already on your new SQL server, download and install the Microsoft SQL Management Studio Tools. This can be found on Microsoft’s website and is a free download.

Run the SQL Management Studio Tools by pressing the keyboard buttons, Windows, and R, and entering SSMS.exe or clicking on the icon.

Click on Connect.

Now delete the TCLIdb database before restoring the copy of database from the old server. Click
on Database and then right click on the TCLIdb database to bring up the sub-menu.  Click on Tasks, Delete:

In the next window, click on OK to delete the database:

Now Right Click on Database and then Restore Database in the sub-menu:

In the Restore Database window, click on the Device button and then the three dots to locate the backup database file:

Click on the Add button and scroll to the folder where you placed the copy of the database backup:

Highlight the file and click OK.

The backup database should now be ready to be restored. Click OK.

Step 5

At this point you need to click the Files selection and then click the checkbox for ‘Relocate all files to folder’ as shown below:

Then Click General (which is above the Files link you clicked) to get back to main screen:

*Make sure the Restore Checkbox is ‘Checked’, if not checked then please check it.

Click Verify Backup Media to check the Old database. If verified successfully click OK to restore the database.  If restored successfully you should see the following display:

Click OK.

Step 6

You will still need to attach the username to the New Database. Click on TCLIdb, and then Security, Users, cliIwin3:

Make sure that the password is correct for the username cliwin3, retype it in (tcli4333%)

You will now have to run a query script as shown below. Highlight each group and click
Execute to run the query. If run correctly, a message will be displayed in Messages:

This completes the move of the database.

Step 7

You can now create a new connection on each workstation connecting to the New Server. In the
Estimating Link Program, click on Setup, Options, Database and Add.

Change the Server name to the New Server Name or IP address. Click on the Test Connection button to make sure it will connect. If successful, click OK. Click on the down arrow at the end of the database name field and select your new connection.

Click on the Connect button. The program will close and restart using the new server database. You can check this by clicking on Help and About to see the current connection.

You will have to do the previous step on each workstation that is connected to the server if the server name has changed.