Daily Detail Reports

There are three ways to view and print the Daily Detail data.  To access any of the three Daily Detail Reports, go to Estimate > and choose  Daily Detail Summary, Daily Detail Breakdown, or Daily Quantity Summary.

  1. Daily Detail Summary - Shows Date, Quantity, User's Initials, and Notes
    1. Choose Current Estimate or All Estimates
    2. Can:
      1. Print - When Print is selected, a new page will be displayed previewing the report.  From here, you can print and/or download the file.
      2. Delete - Delete the Estimate
  1. Daily Detail Breakdown - Shows Date, Estimate, Quantity, Stations, User's Initials, and Notes
    1. Can choose Current Estimate, All Estimates, or Estimate Range
    2. Can:
      1. Print - When Print is selected, a new page will be displayed previewing the report.  From here, you can print and/or download the file.
      2. Delete - Delete the Estimate
  1. Daily Detail Quantity Summary - Shows all Quantities entered for all Items and User's Initials.
    1. Enter Quantities entered "from" and "to" dates
    2. Can:
      1. Print - When Print is selected, a new page will be displayed previewing the report.  From here, you can print and/or download the file.