Estimating Link Reports Overview

Preview all the Reports available in Estimating Link. A summary of each report along with a preview of an example report is available.


Estimating Link Reports can be accessed in Estimating Link by clicking on Reports:

  • Reports can be previewed, saved, printed, and/or exported. 
  • Reports can be exported in the following formats:  PDF, XLS, CSV, DOC, TXT, and RTF.
  • Different Reports have different options such as choosing Rate Type(s) and Item(s).
  • Reports are customized by going to Setup > Options > Printer.


Estimating Link Reports

Below is a list of all of the Reports available.  They are categorized exactly as you can find them in the Reports Menu in Estimating Link.  


Master Table 


Report Name & Preview Link Report Description
Company List

Provides a list of all the company contact information saved in the company library. Companies are those businesses associated with your Estimating Link account. 

Project List

Provides a summary of all projects in Estimating Link. The report provides the name, description, location, Bid Date, revision, contract #, info, customer, and Bid amount.

Vendor List

 Provides a list of all the vendors contact information saved in the vendor library.

Vendor Type List

 Provides a list of all the vendor types information saved in the vendor types library.

Customer List

 Provides a list of all the customer contact information saved in the customer library.

Cost Code List

 Provides a list of all the bid sheet sections saved in the section library.

Section Header List

 Provides a list of all the bid sheet sections saved in the section library.

Cost Code Where Used

 Provides a list of all projects with the item number where cost codes are used.

*The following reports are Project Specific*

Rate Table 

All Wide

 Provides a list of all the rate data saved in a particular project in landscape format. The report is broken down by resource category (labor, equipment, rental, material, subcontractor, other, overtime factors, and gas rates).

All Narrow

 Provides a list of all the rate data saved in a particular project in portrait format. The report is broken down by resource category (labor, equipment, rental, material, subcontractor, other, overtime factors, and gas rates).

Item Sheet 

As Shown

Provides a breakdown of an item, a range of items, or all items on a project. Data shown includes production detail, manhours, quantities, and time to complete.   Also breaks down the resources with quantity of each resource and costs as shown on the item sheet in Estimating Link. Item total cost is shown. Breaks down both the total and unit prices for each resource on the item (labor, equipment, etc.). Breaks down the unit amount, total amount, total cost, total profit & OH, and total windfall for both the bid quantity and takeoff quantity.

Cost Sorted

Provides the same data as the Item Sheet “as shown” report but sorts the rates by resource category

Field Worksheet

Provides a breakdown of an item, a range of items, or all items on a project. Provides all the same data as the Item Sheet “As shown” and “Cost Sorted” report but without any dollar amounts. This report is great for field employees to understand their target production, manhours, and resources on a project. 

Item Summary Provides a summary of Item data to include description, bid quantity, takeoff quantity, unit of measure, units per time (days/hours), time required, hours/day, total manhours, unit cost, and total cost. Also provides both a unit and total bid price with markup (difference between cost and bid amount). Also gives the percentage of markup. 
Item Detail

Provides a breakdown of an item, a range of items, or all items on a project. This report provides similar information as the Item “as shown” report. The report is formatted to display the data differently and does not include the quantities for each resource

Item List

Provides a list of all items on the project. Includes item number, item description, unity of measure, and bid quantity. 

Takeoff List

 Provides a list of all items on the project. Includes item number, item description, unity of measure, and take-off quantity. 


Provides a list of all items with manual comments entered on the item sheet. Provides the item number, item description, and the list of manual comments under each item. 

Bid Sheet 


Bid Sheet>

Summary Wide

 Provides a full summary of the Bid Sheet. This report is formatted to fit legal size paper in landscape format. The report shows bid resource markup amounts and %, total bid price, % of direct cost and sales. Breaks down overhead, corporate overhead, additional fees, net profit, bonds, actual bid, unbalanced amount, and proposed margin numbers. Provides project comments and a breakdown of all resource unit and total prices by item.

Summary Narrow

Provides a full summary of the Bid Sheet. This report is formatted to fit standard paper in portrait format. The report shows bid resource markup amounts and %, total bid price, % of direct cost and sales. Breaks down overhead, corporate overhead, additional fees, net profit, bonds, actual bid, unbalanced amount, and proposed margin numbers. Provides project comments and a breakdown of all resource unit and total prices by item. 

Job Totals

This report is similar to the Bid Sheet Summary but does not include the project comments or resource breakdown. The report shows bid resource markup amounts and %, total bid price, % of direct cost and sales. Breaks down overhead, corporate overhead, additional fees, net profit, bonds, actual bid, unbalanced amount, and proposed margin numbers.  

Job Overhead

Provides a summary of your overhead budget list You must utilize the overhead budget table in the markup summary to generate this report.

Job Comments

Provides a report of the project comments on the project. 

Bid Item Summary

Provides a summary list of all items. Includes item number, description, unit of measure, bid quantity, takeoff quantity, unit cost, total cost, margin %, Bid unit, total bid, and item spread. 

Bid Item Details

Provides a summary list of all items broken down by resource (labor, equipment, etc.). Provides the unit price and total bid amount for each  item. Includes a totals summary for each resource category.

Bond Summary

Provides a report detail of the bond rates and total bond cost for the project. 

Windfall Summary

Provides a summary of each item’s windfall amount.   Includes the item description, unit of measure, bid quantity, takeoff quantity, bid qty cost, takeoff qty cost, calculated difference, bid qty amount, and takeoff bid amount. 

Cost Summary>


Provides a breakdown of resource costs by code and category.   Select one resource or multiple resources to report on. Resource data is totaled across items under each category. Each resource category is broken down by quantity, unit of measure, rate, total cost, and % of bid. Totals for each resource category and % of bid are displayed.   Manhours, Cost per man/day and cost per man/hr are displayed for Labor. Total cost for all resources is displayed.


This report provides the same data as the Cost Summary but lists each resource individually under the corresponding resource category by item.


 This report provides the same data as the Cost Summary Detail but goes even further to break each resource’s rate down to show the rate structure. For example, labor rates are broken down by base wage, benefits wage, and burden amounts.   Equipment is broken down to show the Base rate plus sales tax, fuel, repairs, insurance, and other operating costs.

Breakdown By Bid Item

 This report provides the same data as the Cost Summary breakdown but categorizes the costs by Bid Item.

Fuel Breakdown

Provides a fuel cost summary of all owned and rental equipment.   The report is broken down by piece of equipment, showing consumption totals, price per gallon, and total fuel cost across the entire bid.

Fuel Breakdown By Bid Item

 Similar to the Fuel Breakdown report, this report provides a fuel cost summary of all owned and rental equipment, but broken down by bid item. The report shows each piece of equipment, consumption totals, price per gallon, and total fuel cost across each bid item.

Proposal >


This proposal lists each bid item with the item number, item description, bid item quantity, unit bid price, and total bid item amount.   The total bid price is presented at the end. This proposal is presented double-spaced, portrait style


This proposal lists each bid item with the item number, item description, bid item quantity, unit bid price, and total bid item amount.   The total bid price is presented at the end. This proposal is presented 1 ½-spaced, portrait style.  

Condensed-Single Spaced

This proposal lists each bid item with the item number, item description, bid item quantity, unit bid price, and total bid item amount.   The total bid price is presented at the end. This proposal is presented single-spaced, portrait style.   

Lump Sum

This proposal lists each bid item with the item number, item description, and bid item quantity. The item total is not presented.   The total bid price is presented as a lump sum. This proposal is presented double-spaced, portrait style.   

Lum Sum-Condensed

This proposal lists each bid item with the item number, item description, and bid item quantity. The item total is not presented.   The total bid price is presented as a lump sum. This proposal is presented 1 1/2-spaced, portrait style.   

Lump Sum-Single Spaced

This proposal lists each bid item with the item number, item description, and bid item quantity. The item total is not presented.   The total bid price is presented as a lump sum. This proposal is presented single-spaced, portrait style.   

Lump Sum (Base & Alts)-Single Spaced

This proposal is intended to be used when the project has alternate bid prices that need to be displayed to the customer. The proposal lists each bid item with the item number, item description, and bid item quantity. The item total is not presented. The base bid price is presented as a lump sum. The alternate prices are displayed as a lump sum. The total bid price is presented as a lump sum. This proposal is presented single-spaced, portrait style.   

Descriptive Lump Sum

This proposal presents each item listed altogether in paragraph form, with each bid item’s quantity, item number, and description separated by semi-colons.  The total bid price is presented at the end. If using sections, the bid items are listed in paragraph form under the sections.

Item Sheets >

As Shown

Provides a breakdown of an item, a range of items, or all items on a project. Data shown includes production detail, manhours, quantities, and time to complete.   Also breaks down the resources with quantity of each resource and costs as shown on the item sheet in Estimating Link. Item total cost is shown. Breaks down both the total and unit prices for each resource on the item (labor, equipment, etc.). Breaks down the unit amount, total amount, total cost, total profit & OH, and total windfall for both the bid quantity and takeoff quantity.

Cost Sorted

Provides the same data as the Item Sheet “as shown” report but sorts the rates by resource category

Field Worksheet

Provides a breakdown of an item, a range of items, or all items on a project. Provides all the same data as the Item Sheet “As shown” and “Cost Sorted” report but without any dollar amounts. This report is great for field employees to understand their target production, manhours, and resources on a project. 

Item Summary

Provides a summary of Item data to include description, bid quantity, takeoff quantity, unit of measure, units per time (days/hours), time required, hours/day, total manhours, unit cost, and total cost. Also provides both a unit and total bid price with markup (difference between cost and bid amount). Also gives the percentage of markup. 

Item Detail

Provides a breakdown of an item, a range of items, or all items on a project. This report provides similar information as the Item “as shown” report. The report is formatted to display the data differently and does not include the quantities for each resource

Primary Items

Provides a list of all primary bid items on the project. Includes item number, item description, unity of measure, and bid quantity. 

Status Report

Provides a breakdown of the indirect/combine items allocated to each bid item with cost totals. The cost totals are calculated by the percentage of indirect allocated to the bid item x the cost. 

Man Hours >

Primary Items

Provides the labor cost per manhour, total manhours, and manhours per unit for each primary bid item.

All Items

Provides the labor cost per manhour, total manhours, and manhours per unit for each item, including primary bid items and sub-items.

Item Totals

Provides total man hours for all primary bid items and sub-items. Displays the item, takeoff quantity, and unit of measure.  Combine item quantities are displayed as well.

Cost Codes >


Provides a summary of resource cost totals by Cost Code. All costs are based off take-off quantities.

Item Breakdown

Provides a summary of resource cost totals by Cost Code broken down by bid item. All costs are based off take-off quantities.

Bid Item Breakdown

Similar to the Cost Code Item Breakdown report. Provides a summary of resource cost totals by Cost Code broken down by bid item. Additionally, it subtotals all resource categories by bid item.  All costs are based off take-off quantities.

Bid Sheet Main Menu



Provides a printable worksheet to calculate the unit bid and total bid for each primary item.   Shows the item number, item description, unit of measure, bid quantity, unit cost for each resource category, and total cost for each resource category. Totals across all bid items for each resource category is also displayed. 


This report provides a list of vendors categorized by type, showing the total bid, percentage of utilization on the bid, and 60% material calculation. It helps determine if disadvantaged business quota requirements are met for public projects, making it easy to track and ensure compliance.

Metric Comparison

 Provides the metric to imperial conversion totals broken down by bid item. Displays a comparison between metric and imperial for unit of measure, bid quantity, and bid unit. Displays totals bid amounts for each item. Displays a total bid price.

Move Money List

 Provides a report of all money money transactions.   Displays if the transaction is active (Y/N), item number, description, original bid amount, net change, new bid amount, new bid unit, and new markup % for items within each transaction.   Lists balance and potential windfall.

State Proposal

Provides a proposal in Electronic Bidding System format. Displays item number, estimate of quantities, Items with unit bid price written in words, unit bid price, and bid amount. 



As Shown >  

Provides a printable report of the current SMC table you are working on. Displays the item, unit of measure, quantity, unit amount and total amount for each vendor within the SMC table. Check mark displays which vendor has been posted to the bid, if applicable.


Provides a printable report of all the SMC tables within the project. Displays the item, unit of measure, quantity, unit amount and total amount for each vendor within the SMC table. Check mark displays which vendor has been posted to the bid, if applicable.

Quote Sheet

Provides a printable quote sheet (RFQ) to save and send to your vendor.  Provides the vendor with your information, the project information, their name, and the item/rate information you are requesting they provide pricing for.   Item/rate information is displayed with Item/rate number/code, item/rate description, unit of measure, and quantity.   Unit amount and total amount columns are left blank for the vendor’s input. Comments input into the SMC table will be displayed on the quote sheet.

Price Sheet

Provides a printable price sheet to save and send to your vendor after the vendor provides pricing to you (similar to a purchase order).  Provides the vendor with your information, the project information, their name, and item or rate information. Item/rate information is displayed with Item/rate number/code, item/rate description, unit of measure, quantity, unit amount, and total amount they quoted for each item or rate. Comments input into the SMC table will be displayed on the quote sheet.



As Shown >



 Provides a printable report of the current RTC table you are working on. Displays the rate code, rate description, unit of measure, quantity, unit amount and total amount for each vendor within the RTC table. Check mark displays which vendor has been posted to the bid, if applicable.


Provides a printable report of all the RTC tables within the project. Displays the rate code, rate description, unit of measure, quantity, unit amount and total amount for each vendor within the RTC table. Check mark displays which vendor has been posted to the bid, if applicable.

Quote Sheet

Provides a printable quote sheet (RFQ) to save and send to your vendor.  Provides the vendor with your information, the project information, their name, and the rate information you are requesting they provide pricing for. Rate information is displayed with rate code, rate description, unit of measure, and quantity. Unit amount and total amount columns are left blank for the vendor’s input. Comments input into the RTC table will be displayed on the quote sheet.

Price Sheet

Provides a printable price sheet to save and send to your vendor after the vendor provides pricing to you (similar to a purchase order).  Provides the vendor with your information, the project information, their name, and item or rate information. Rate information is displayed with rate code, rate description, unit of measure, quantity, unit amount, and total amount they quoted for each rate. Comments input into the RTC table will be displayed on the quote sheet.