
Add, insert or edit Sections on your Bid Sheet and manage your Section Library

Sections give you the ability to group Bid Items into phases of work on the Bid Sheet, providing a sub-total for each Section/Phase.  This pricing structure can also be presented on a proposal to the customer in both a unit pricing format and phase lump sum format.   You can easily save, reuse, and manage Sections within your Section Library.

Sections On-Demand Video

Create Sections on your Bid Sheet

Sections are created on the Bid Sheet module.  You can create a section using the Services Menu or by right-clicking on the first item of that section.

  1. Click on the first item you want in your section.  Make sure the black arrow is pointing to that item.
  2. Go to Services > Insert Section or right-click on the Item and click Insert Section.
  3. The Section Entry window will display.

Section Entry Window

The Section Entry Window is where you will setup your Sections/Phases.  You can enter the description of the section (i.e. General Conditions, Demolition, Erosion Control, Sanitary Sewer, etc.) and define the items you want to include in the Section/Phase. 

  1. Enter a Section Description: In this field, you can either type a new Section or click on the 3 dots to access your Section Library.
  2. Place Section End After: Here, select the last Item you would like to include in your Section.  All Items above this Item will be included in the Section.
  3. Save to Library: Add a check mark if you would like to save the Section Description to the Section Library.
  4. Click OK.

Your Section/Phase will now show on your Bid Sheet with a Subtotal. 

Edit Sections

You can edit Sections by selecting the Section on the Bid Sheet either by right clicking on it > Edit Edit Section Description or going to Services > Edit Section

A Edit Section window will appear.

  • Enter new Description: Type your new Section Description.

💡TIP: You can quickly make the Section Header and Footer the same by adding a checkmark on the Edit Section Description window to Make Footer Description the same or you can have unique Section Headers and Footers.

Section Library

To Access Section Library, go to Setup > Section Library.

The Section Description Labels are automatically saved into a database. This is the interface that is used to delete and edit those labels. The Library can also be accessed when creating headers and footers so that the label does not have to be retyped every time.