- Knowledge Link
- Estimating Link
- Setup Guides
Uninstall Estimating Link
Instructions to Uninstall Estimating Link and components
To uninstall Estimating Link, open your Control Panel and select Programs and Features. Scroll to and select either Estimating Link Trial or Estimating Link V3. Right click and select Uninstall. Follow the prompts.
You can also uninstall programs that were loaded with the Estimating Link if (not using else where) by following the procedure used to uninstall Estimating Link. Programs that were installed with Estimating Link:
- Microsoft SQL 2014
- SAP - Crystal reports
- Sentinel Protection Installer
The users data saved by Estimating Link is located here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Construction Link\Estimating Link V3. You can delete this folder if no longer needed.