This simple step-by-step guide will walk you through the process of setting up and establishing a centralized location for all your custom reports, making it easier to organize, locate, and access them whenever needed.
Custom reports can be easily added to Estimating Link by following these simple steps.
Step 1: Create a Folder for Your Custom Reports
- On your computer, choose a location that is convenient for you to access and create a new folder where you will store all your custom reports.
- For best organization, name the folder "Estimating Link Custom Reports".
🗒️Note: You only need to set up a Custom Reports folder once, which simplifies the process of managing your reports in the future. This initial setup saves you time and effort, as you won't have to repeat the folder creation process each time you want to add a new report. Instead, you can simply place any new custom report files directly into this existing folder, ensuring a streamlined workflow within Estimating Link.
Step 2: Add the Custom Report File
- Locate the .rpt file of your custom report.
- Move or copy the file into the folder you created in Step 1.
Step 3: Configure Estimating Link to Recognize the Folder
- Open Estimating Link (EL).
- Navigate to Setup > Options > Printer.
- Click on Advanced Report Options.
- Browse to the folder where you saved your custom report files.
- Select the folder, Click OK, and then Close the next window to save the changes.
Step 4: Restart Estimating Link
- Close the setup window.
- Exit out of Estimating Link completely.
- Relaunch Estimating Link.
- Open your project.
Step 5: Access Your Custom Report
- Go to Reports > Custom Reports.
- Locate and select the custom report you added.
- Open the report to review or print as needed.
To access any new custom reports after setting up Custom Reports Folder
- Repeat Step 2
- Repeat Step 5
Your Custom Reports folder is now successfully added and accessible in Estimating Link!
If we can be of further assistance, please reach out to us at anytime: (800) 448 - 0741 or