Viewpoint-Spectrum Cloud Accounting Interface

Setup, Procedure and Export

Estimating Link Setup

Start by setting up your interface in Estimating Link.  To do so, go to Setup > Options > Accounting.  Select whether you would like to export by either Item Number or by Cost Code and select Spectrum Detailed:

*Note: Cost Codes are taken from the Item Worksheet and are based on Take-off quantities.

This step sets adds the Spectrum Viewpoint Cloud export option to show on Estimating Link's Accounting exports.


To export your project, go to File > Export > Accounting > Spectrum > Cloud:

Save the file.  

A conformation Information window will be displayed letting you know that it has been exported successfully and show where it is saved:

Click OK.

Exported File

The file saved from the Spectrum Cloud export saves as a .cvs file.  You can open and view the file in notepad or excel (since it's a .csv file type):

The following is Spectrum Viewpoint's layout requirements (obtained from Viewpoint Spectrum's website):

Below is the saved file opened in excel.  Note we have added column A so you can see how it's mapped to Viewpoint Spectrum (using the above screenshots) to, utilizing the above screenshot:

To import your file into Spectrum Viewpoint, please follow Spectrum Viewpoint instructions.